Sunday, September 20, 2020


I'm tired, I'm sick and wanted to rest for a week because I am feeling so weak.
I looked for ways to cure this sickness and tiredness
I found a refuge, a different world that makes me happy but I know can never be our reality.
In this world, I can be sad but everything is possible even if some circumstances are unpredictable
A sin to think that, I hope I belong to this world 
A wonderful world where I can temporarily escape
The real world is so cruel and so tiring 
Only the people I love hold me into this world
I know this escape from real-world will be over soon and need to face reality
Let me enjoy this for a few more days or a week, but I am still wishing I can escape and be on this world.

Thursday, September 17, 2020



I am not sad nor happy,

but there seems to be an unfathomable pit in my heart.

I can smile, laugh and appear happy in front of everyone,

but there's unexplainable emptiness inside me that I can't endure.

I can comfort and seems to understand anyone,

but I can't even comfort myself nor ask someone to help me.

I will drag you out of your misery,

but sorry I can't hold your hand to pull me out from this hollow.

I am not giving up,

but I can't even give in.

All I can do is wear this happy mask on and weep in silence for no one even I can rationalize what I really feel.


Cut the Crop! Happily Ever After is not the End

Our parents used to close the fairytale book, kiss us goodnight and left us with that "happily ever after" look. Yeah, it gave us ...